The Need for PISD
1. Businesses are globally responding to consumer preferences for ecologically friendly production. The future of industry everywhere depends on how it competes and complies with the existing accredited environmental standards and buyers’ demands. The answer, world over, is Cleaner Production.
Institutional Development
1. Awareness and capacity building of the industry about environment, energy, cleaner production, concerned legal issues and their solutions.
2. Effective role of industrial associations to serve as facilitator on these issues.
Training and Human Resource Development
Training of industry personnel on Cleaner Production Technologies, Energy Efficiency, Wastewater Treatment Technologies, Environmental Management System (EMS) and ISO 14001 Certification.Include occupational health safety trainings.
Cleaner Technology Project for Textile Industry (CTPT)
1.Environmental and Energy Audits.
2.Environment and Energy Report and Action Plans.
3.Implementation of Cleaner Production Technologies.
4.Implementation of Energy Efficient Technology.
WasteWater Treatment Plants
Designing and implementation of Wastewater Treatment Plants
Environmental Management System and Certification
1.Development of EMS manual.
2.Implementation of EMS.
3.ISO 14001 Certification.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
1.CSR Reports of selected Industrial Units.
Cleaner Production and Energy Efficient Technologies and WWTP Performance Reports
1.Performance reports for various technology interventions.