WasteWater Treatment Plants

This component of project involved flow monitoring of effluent, the findings of which formed the basis of the design of the WWTP. CTP-Textile also offered design of such plant along with the construction supervision and commissioning of the plant.
Textile processing industry is basically a water intensive sector, in which water is used mainly as a carrier for transporting a variety of chemicals to the fabric and for washing purpose. Consequently, a typical textile-processing unit is expected to generate various types of wastewater, differing in magnitude and quality. To resolve the aforesaid problem, the project teams provided their services to the textile processing sector which consisted of following two steps.

Designing of WasteWater Treatment Plant

An appropriate treatment scheme was selected. The design of secondary wastewater treatment system was comprised of the following components:
1.Generation of designing data by wastewater flow monitoring, sampling and laboratory analysis.
2.Laboratory scale treatment studies.
3.Physical surveys
4.Sub-soil surveys and geo-technical investigations.
5.Preparation of concept reports.
6.Carrying out basic process design.
7.Preparation of detail engineering design.
8.Development of technical specifications.
9.Preparation of tender document with Bill of Quantities, complete specifications etc.

Implementation of WasteWater Treatment Plant

The implementation phase was consisted of the following activities
1.Assistance in selection of a contractor.
2.Preparation of construction drawings.
3.Assistance in equipment selection.
4.Periodic on-site supervision of construction and installation works.
5. Preparation of an operating an maintenance manual.
6.Supervision of plant commissioning and start-up operations.
7.Training of textile unit’s, staff on operation and maintenance of plant.